Atech Azure Solutions
Cloud Solutions

Azure Solutions

From core IT infrastructure to endpoint devices, Atech's cutting-edge security solutions safeguard your digital world. 

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ROI customers can realise on migrating to Azure.
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Reduce in energy usage and carbon emissions up to 98%.
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Savings vs pay-as-you-go rates for Windows & SQL Server licenses with Azure Hybrid Benefit

Challenges in the Digital Landscape

Navigating the modern digital landscape presents several critical challenges for organizations which face key challenges:

1. Infrastructure Complexity: Managing intricate digital infrastructures can be daunting.

2. Scalability Demands: Meeting fluctuating resource needs while maintaining performance is challenging.

3. Security Vulnerabilities: Protecting data and applications against evolving cyber threats is vital.

4. Cost Management: Striking a balance between resources and costs is an ongoing concern.

Effective cloud solutions help address these challenges, offering flexibility, scalability, security, and cost management tools to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

Challenges in the Digital Landscape

Microsoft Azure as a Solution

Azure stands out as the best cloud option due to its extensive capabilities and Microsoft's commitment to innovation and security:

1. Comprehensive Services: Azure offers a vast array of services, from computing and storage to AI and analytics, catering to diverse business needs.

2. Global Reach: With a presence in numerous regions worldwide, Azure provides global coverage, low-latency connections, and scalability for businesses of all sizes.

3. Advanced Security: Microsoft's robust security measures, compliance certifications, and Azure Security Center ensure data protection and regulatory compliance, making it a top choice for secure cloud computing.

Choose Azure and elevate your cloud experience. Discover limitless possibilities with Microsoft Azure.

Embrace Azure's power with our free* workshop.

Unlock the potential of Microsoft Azure with our expert guidance. As a recognized Azure specialist, we assess your estate, provide recommendations, and equip you to navigate Azure confidently.
Don’t let migration challenges hold you back…
Learn More See all workshops >>

Atech leverages the best practices for optimal results

Introducing the Cloud Adoption Framework (CAF) – a comprehensive resource offered by Microsoft, designed to expedite your journey into the cloud. This invaluable framework comprises documentation, expert guidance, best practices, and practical tools. It's your trusted companion for maximizing the potential of your Azure investment.

Discover the Six Key Stages of the Cloud Adoption Framework:



Begin by aligning Azure with your business objectives, leveraging Microsoft's Cloud Journey Tracker for tailored adoption strategies.



Align your people, processes, and technology to create a well-defined cloud adoption plan. This is the stage where you rationalize your existing infrastructure.



Prepare your environment using Microsoft's Azure Setup Guide. Once ready, deploy your essential landing zone, a foundational element for successful migrations.



The adoption phase branches into two parts - migrate and innovate. Migrate your on-premises environment straightforwardly to the cloud, or opt for innovation by leveraging cloud-native technologies and embracing DevOps practices.



Establish benchmarks and implement a governance minimum viable product (MVP) to maintain control and progress. Partnering with an Azure Expert Managed Service Provider (MSP) can enhance your governance efforts.



Continuously monitor your environment through data collection and alerts, adhering to best practices for performance tracking. Ensure the creation of a resilient platform capable of swift recovery from potential issues.

Managed Services that fit around you

Our Microsoft experts augment existing IT teams, by providing services like:

1. Optimized Azure experiences, expertly managed.
2. Simplify complex digital transformation with Atech.
3. Continuous optimisation, enhanced security, limitless innovation.

Managed Azure Services

Managed Azure Services

All Our Azure Solutions

Related Case Studies

Learn more about our Azure client experiences

How can we help?

As Microsoft accredited cloud service providers we’ve got the tools and talent to put the incredible potential of cloud technology at the heart of your operation.

Fill in the form to speak to one of our cloud consultants about your cloud project. Let’s get the conversation started.


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